It is important for you to become self-aware of the ways in which you overtense your eyes in order to try to see. It is important that you free your body — your potential mechanism. The places to look for tension mostly include: the back of the upper neck; the upper back; between the shoulders; the hands and feet; the shoulders; the pelvis; the chest; and the stomach. Yoga, meditation, massage, Feldenkreis, Alexander, Rolfing, polarity, dancing, running, breathing, swimming, etc. are all excellent adjuncts to Bates’ system. It is important to learn to take your glasses off, especially in non-demanding, non-threatening situations. You are not blind, and though you can’t see what you think you are supposed to see, you can see what you can see, so pay attention to that which is there for you. Everyone experiences emotional factors when they change to no glasses.
The four basic exercises: (To be done when they feel good — ten minutes or thirty seconds — the more often and the longer, the better.)
Palming: Eyes covered by palms (no pressure on the eyes); fingertips at hairline; fingers overlapped to allow breathing room for your nose. Elbows resting on table, chair back, pillow, etc. Relax, feel your eyes give up the tension of trying to see. Let yourself go as much as you can. Let go into what you may be seeing; keep breathing. Memorize the feeling of palming. To be done especially before doing a visual task such as reading. EYES CLOSED.
Swinging: Rotate your body from left to right and back. Eyes, torso and head move together. Turning mostly around your waist. Don’t look at anything as you swing; be aware of movement mainly. Let your eyes go, let your consciousness stay in front of you while you turn. Make sure to keep breathing.
Sunning: Face the sun, eyes closed. I repeat: EYES CLOSED. Allow the warmth of the sun to penetrate deeply into your eyes and forehead. Relaxedly turn your head from side to side. Keep breathing. Feel the position of the sun. Blinking and Breathing: Beware of the stare. We lock ourselves into a stare, eyes immobile and breath stopped. Spaced. Blink your eyes rapidly as you take two big breaths whenever you become aware of your eyes or breath.
Blinking and Breathing: Beware of the stare. We lock ourselves Into a stare, eyes immobile and breath stopped. Spaced. Blink your eyes rapidly as you take two big breathe whenever you become aware of your eyes or breath.
Other exercises and more complete descriptions are to be found in the following:
M. Corbett:
Help Yourself To Better Sight
W. Bates:
Better Eyesight Without Glasses
A. Huxley:
The Art of Seeing