Gloria Ginn, a longtime vision improvement teacher, put together this collection of questions and answers about reading that Bates published at the end of various issues of his Better Eyesight Magazine.
View the PDF below, or download it here.
Bates’s answers are all succinct. I recommend reading the Better Eyesight magazines, or at least his book Perfect Sight Without Glasses, to get more of a fleshed-out idea of what he’s talking about.
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I founded in 2002 as I began reading books on the Bates Method and became interested in vision improvement. I believe that everyone who is motivated can identify the roots of their vision problems and apply behavioral changes to solve them.
Is there any proof that all those stories of curing patients’ eyesight actually occurred? I wonder because there just seems to be such a great divide between all the success Bates supposedly had back in the day, and the complete lack of objective objectifiable results of people today. Are there historical sources that would help to confirm the legitimacy of Bates’ success stories?
Nice collection. One of the best things about Bates was that he emphasized the principles of vision each and every time.
He would answer them all pretty succinctly, which is good for small bits of wisdom, but I would have liked it if he sometimes elaborated more.