"> When Is The Right Time For Vision Practice?

When Is The Right Time For Vision Practice?

Dr. Bates, the natural vision improvement pioneer of the early 20th century, used to get this question a lot from his patients. He would reply that you have as much time to practice seeing with good relaxed healthy vision habits as you do with straining tense habits. Or he’d say you should be practicing correct vision habits all day long! This can sound daunting unless you understand what he meant.

Don’t worry — you don’t have to quit your job and ignore your family to improve your vision. You can fit a lot of vision practice in with your normal life, doing some Long Swings while you’re waiting for the coffee to brew, or some palming to give yourself a short break from looking at the computer. When you go for your daily walk, you can practice central fixation by noticing that you see the flower petal or leaf on a tree you look at directly more clearly than the petal or leaf right next to it. You can still see the adjacent one, though it’s more blurry than the one in the center of your vision.

OK, let’s say you’re really motivated to improve, and you want to up your game. The best time for dedicated vision practice is when you’ll actually do it! This is different for everyone. Maybe after the children get off to school you have a little time to yourself, and can fit in a half-hour of eye chart play. For someone else, after dinner or on the lunch break is a freer time, when a walk outdoors would be fun and renewing, looking in the distance, then up close, then in the distance again. 

Finally, much of vision practice is about gently and easily examining details, near and far, left and right, overhead and below your feet. You can do this anywhere, at your desk (and you’re so lucky if you have a window to look out of occasionally too!), while driving or walking or sitting on the floor playing with a child. Just look around, wherever you are, noticing what you notice and how you feel about that. Are you resisting the view, or welcoming it?  This is vision practice, and there’s no time like right now for it.


  • Printable PDF Files
  • 20 ft, 10 ft, and Near Vision Charts
  • Letters Calibrated to Correct Printed Size


Author: Nancy

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at https://NancyLNeff.com.

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Christopher Lane

Driving is [perhaps] potentially the most dynamic of vision exercises, possibly for an hour a day! With or without glasses – the power of zooming from the horizon to the speedometer… and everything in between checking ALL number plates and reverse imaging in mirrors; not forgetting special places like avenues where trees and perspective encourages stereoscopic vision.
Keep your windscreen clean daily. Especially for those who drive to work into the sunrise or sunset. Eyes were designed to scan moving objects in central fixing mode, with there surrounds being less distinct. Careful considerate driving requires regular perception of Peripheral vision. This can the more easily be done without head turning if you don’t need to wear specs.
If you do or don’t drive walking up and down aisles at your supermarket also provides ample opportunity to shift focus distance to include the small print on the packaging.
The vision practices are designed to generate new sight seeing habits. Once experienced theses practices can be deliberately be introduced every moment in the day.