Lately I’ve been getting more questions than usual from people who found I have let go of my thick eyeglasses, and want to know how long it will take them to improve, how fast they should lower their own glasses prescription, etc. My experience may be similar to yours, or not at all! I can give you some general guidelines, and your vision improvement journey is yours alone to create.
Following are a few typical questions, and my answers.
Q: How long have you been practicing vision improvement? And what were your results?
A: I’ve been studying and practicing since 2001. I started with a -10 prescription and now do not wear glasses at all. I’m finding a way to do everything I need to do with my natural vision, which is still improving.
Q: Are you familiar with Leo Angart’s method (or with some other method)? Is it useful?
A: Yes, it’s helpful for some people — try it and see. Everyone is different!
Q: When I’m decreasing my diopters, how long before I should get new glasses?
A: It varies. Some people progress fast, some slow. It depends on how much fear your glasses are keeping in place, or other emotions you’ll have to deal with when you take them off. And on how long you’ve been wearing glasses, and how strong they are, and how dedicated and optimistic you are. There is no simple answer. This is why it’s a good idea to work with a behavioral optometrist who can guide you and monitor your progress, and perhaps also with a vision teacher.
Q: I don’t mean the progress, I mean how often should I get weaker glasses?
A: Again, it depends. Are you comfortable with a weaker prescription where things are a little blurry? Are you afraid when you take off your glasses and try to see without them? Then it might take you longer. If you’re brave and feel safe enough (not reckless) you can decrease the diopters as soon as you want, as long as you’re not straining to see through the weaker glasses. This is very individual work. If you stay in strong glasses it will keep you from improving, but if it scares you to take off your glasses, you have to deal with that fear. You can’t improve unless you’re relaxed, and if you’re afraid, you’re not.
I chose the image of someone running in leg braces because it reminded me of the movie “Forrest Gump”, where Forrest was running away from pursuers when his leg braces just shattered and flew away. When I saw this for the first time, I started crying — what an iconic image of freedom, of letting go of “the chains that bind you”, like walking out of a jail cell! This is how I felt about getting rid of my glasses.
So whether your health challenge is vision improvement or losing excess weight or something else, you can learn from others who have gone through it too, yet “your results may vary”! Books and classes and coaches can be very helpful, and sometimes your best teacher is your own experience. What feels like it’s helping, and what feels like it’s doing no good? Let this be your guide.

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at
Love your posts, thank you!
Well, I love that you read them! Thanks, Marloes!