Do you stop looking when you take off your glasses? When you have to look at something you don’t like? What makes you “tune out” visually? This can be important information if you’re wanting to improve your vision. If your intention isn’t clear, and you’re thinking “I want to see that. No, I don’t!”, it’s no wonder your visual channel has some static in it.
This morning someone asked me about his elderly mother, who had had a cataract operation which didn’t go well, and just about ruined the sight in that eye. He said she seemed to be withdrawing from Life, not wanting to look at anything, and not wanting to hear much either. This led me to wonder about choosing not to see, consciously or unconsciously, then having vision problems. Could the brain and the eyes merely be following the person’s intention?
It’s getting chilly and bleak in NY state, with most of the leaves off the trees and the sun setting around 4:30PM. I caught myself today glancing out the window and feeling discouraged that the view looked so empty and cold. Then I stopped in mid-thought, remembering that my attitude is my choice, and that the sun is actually closer now than in the summer! That’s why it seems so bright and glaring. (It’s colder because the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun now.) As I adjusted my attitude to be more cheerful, I noticed my vision being happier too. I scanned around the few neighbors’ cars, seeing how much detail I could pick out, reminding myself that several years ago I barely looked past the edge of my lawn!
So I invite you to observe yourself and your own looking habits. If there is something you don’t want to see, you can look away, or close your eyes, acknowledging your choice to yourself. Why make your vision blurry? You want your eyesight clear and sharp, to be able to see the things you like looking at! Sometimes when we pay attention to our habits, we don’t like what we find, yet it’s always worthwhile. As Dr. Phil says, “If you don’t name it, you can’t change it!”. Don’t you want to be your best self, and see as clearly as possible? If you have this intention, I believe you can accomplish it.
NOTE: Since this post was published, one person saw the picture, did not read the title, then mistakenly thought it was a picture of palming, a traditional vision relaxation exercise — it is not. You can read more about palming here.

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at
Thanks as always, Nancy. Don’t let the naysayers grind you down (paraphrasing the Handmaid’s Tale). Love,
Thanks, Gwen! Just thinking of you gave me a big smile, so you’ve already helped.
When they suspended my original Facebook account, then the new one I just set up (which has since been reinstated), it hit me harder than I would have expected. I felt paranoid and targeted, like Dr. Bates getting kicked out of the AMA for getting folks to depend less on their glasses. Would that I had that kind of influence! Thanks again, Gwen. I appreciate you! <3
Jamey, rather than deleting your comment as spam, I’ll give you the respect of answering. First, this picture is NOT palming, rather someone hiding their eyes because they don’t want to see, if you read the article. Yes, in palming the palms should be crossed on the forehead. I have a post on palming I often share which shows that:
I’m glad you cured your own vision — good for you! I make no apologies for charging for my time to teach people, may of whom do not want to read all the books and conflicting information and sort through it, or need personal guidance and encouragement. I do believe in Meir Schneider — though I have never met him personally, I’ve read several of his books and seen his videos. He inspired me because his sight was so bad originally. I believe in Bates the most, and follow his teachings closely. Take care.
To Nancy;
Something different would be better; maybe picture of the person with arms up blocking the object that seems unpleasant or just looking away… Lot of other options. Children, all people with blurry sight need to be taught as Dr. Bates teaches; how objects can be pessimisms and optimums. Note when looking at something pleasurable; eyes move easy, sight is clear.
To prevent the public from thinking the no palms crossed is also palming; it is a good idea to also explain that in your post. Especially because this is a main picture that pops up on iblindness homepage this month and palming is a #1 treatment prescribed by doctor Bates.
As for threatening to delete my comment; I find that arrogant and power-tripish.
A turnoff to new people that want to join IB as member, and help people see clear by providing 100% free help. 3 of my teachers used to post on here doing the free training but were pushed off by Nancy. I prefer to avoid this problem, ‘please’.
That being said; as a -7 survivor; completely free of those crutches; I hope my (and family’s) posts will be allowed (and not drowned out by and redirected to high priced teacher’s websites.
1st FREE training post;
See a small branch on the top of a dead tree
far away in the mountains;
The top of the tree has a tiny branch
that bends out to the right.
It is smaller, thinner than in the picture, barely visible. It is seen perfect,
with better than 20/20 vision when the vision moves, the mind and eyes are
relaxed, looking at the branch without trying to see it clear. No effort.
Seeing for fun, interest. Aldous Huxley
calls it; spontaneous attention.
practice shifting on the branch. Then; see it completely natural by
glancing at it during your day when active, running around or just relaxing in
a chair…
Look at the top bent branch of the tree. Shift on that small part; place the exact central field on it and shift point to point on the tiny branch; left and right, up and down andin a variety of directions. Use central-fixation ‘centralizing’. Then, shift up and down the tree and on the other branches.
Shift on the tiny top branch again. Then; sweep over it left and right,
top, bottom, diagonal, any direction and pass over it out onto the sky.
Look at the sky on the left side of it, then the right, above it, below… Pass
the central over the branch as you move from one part of the sky, over the
branch and out to another part of the sky. The exact central field (fovea) and
inner and outer central moves over the branch as you pass over it. It is most
perfectly clear where the exact central moves on it. But; the clarity is
lost, tension occurs if the eyes lock onto it, eye movement stops or is
reduced. Movement prevents staring, tension and blur. Let the vision float
freely on the branch and over it. As the exact central passes over it with complete relaxation; it is seen clear. Shift on the branch and do the fine detail point to point exact central field ‘fovea’ shifting. Keep the eyes moving, shift
without getting stuck on any parts. Don’t try to see. Shift along the entire
tree part to part. The eye movements are perfect, vision flows nice and easy,
continually without effort. The tiny top of the tree branch flashes
clear, remains clear!
(Picture of house and article is copyrighted. Not in public domain. Family has permission to post from the creator.)
Palming picture is from Doctor Bates book Perfect Sight Without Glasses. A copy of the book is in PDF free view on
Jamey (Jess)
Jamey, I don’t own this site, David does. I can only delete comments on my own posts. and have never “chased anyone off the site” knowingly. Since you’ve cured yourself from -7 which is a huge accomplishment, I’m sure you have a lot to offer that people would like to hear. You seem determined to fight me, and I’m not about to get into a war of words here. I’ll add a note to this post that it is NOT representative of palming, though no one else seems to have drawn that conclusion because they read the title! Take care.
Cured by Bate’s technique. Study vision improvement 4 yr. One major stress reduction taught by Bates is palming; Hands should be crossed on the forehead. The posture shown in the picture can cause muscle tension in the head, neck. Bates book; Perfect Sight Without Glasses represents proves his TRUE training; Expert Natural Vision teacher should know this! Another Meir Schneider follower; for money, hide true method, corrupting the Bates method..
Thanks, Nancy for your wisdom
And insight (pun intended)! ?
Thank you, my friend. Sometimes I feel like I’m writing the same blog post over and over with a slightly different spin, but I really want people to get it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I know the feeling, fellow blogger! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! xoxo