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Dreams About My Vision

All my life I’ve had rich detailed dreams. When I started vision improvement, dream after dream came to me about seeing, or about glasses or contact lenses, or the eye chart, or other vision practices. It was as if the Dream Guides were pouring out information and insights to me, now that I seemed ready to take it in.

My favorite vision-centered dream was of a small girl bringing her broken doll to Adult Me to fix. The doll’s head was lolling askew, with one jewel-bright purple eye dangling out of its socket. The child was upset, half-crying, not knowing how to fix her dolly, but she had utter confidence I could. When I woke up, I took this to mean that although I didn’t know how to fix my myopic vision as a child, I could help myself heal now.

Soon after I started vision improvement, I realized I could see fine in my dreams, with no eyestrain or worry about not seeing well enough. Distance did not matter. When I flew in my dreams, I could see what was happening on the ground far below me, unless I started to get too high and the atmosphere became hazy. Did this mean that at some level my vision was perfect, or was this just a fantasy?

Once I dreamed of seeing comedian Jim Carrey sitting on top of a billboard a few miles away at night, goofing around and making faces. I was so excited to be able to see so far and so well! A woman near me was upset that Jim was up so high, doing something unconventional which she thought was dangerous. She tried futilely to urge him to come down. I felt like she was missing the point, which was to have fun. This dream made me wonder about the connection between play or enjoyment and seeing clearly. And it reminded me that worrying too much does not help.

Some of my dreams about vision seemed like direct practical guidance. When I was still wearing contact lenses, slowly reducing my prescription, I dreamed of opening my contact lens case to find lenses stacked on top of each other, 2 or 3 in each of the left and right sections, stuck together and gummy in the dried-up solution. By wearing contacts, might I be over-correcting my vision, or “gumming up the works” of my eyesight? (I have a tendency to over-do, I must admit.) Soon after this dream I stopped wearing contacts for good and transitioned to only glasses, which I took off for longer and longer periods of time.

So whether you’re a dreamer or not, I encourage you to pay attention to signs and input about your vision. If that baby in your family keeps reaching to take off your glasses, maybe that’s a good idea. She knows they’re a barrier you may not need as much as you think. Guidance is always coming to you, whether you’re asleep or awake. You just have to let it in, then act on it.


  • Printable PDF Files
  • 20 ft, 10 ft, and Near Vision Charts
  • Letters Calibrated to Correct Printed Size

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