"> Vision And Rushing

Vision And Rushing

In the past several years, especially since I’ve been studying energy medicine with Deborah King, I’ve been focusing on being present, fully engaged in the activity at hand, whether it be a weight workout or washing the dishes. I don’t want to have part of my attention on fretting about the future or on bemoaning the past. Proceeding at a steady methodical pace goes along with this. I actually get more done when I’m not desperately rushing, which can lead to making mistakes. Yet I’ve been slow to apply these more mindful habits to my vision.

I’ve always been an over-achiever, completing a task as fast as possible before plunging into the next one, doing my homework the day it’s assigned, paying bills the day they arrive. Yet when I was younger this was often in a frantic and driven way. It was as if I was trying to avoid punishment, rather than savor the good feeling of a job well done. I’m sorry to say that when I started studying vision improvement, I swallowed book after book about it like I was cramming for an exam, desperately seeking The Answer to my lifelong restricted eyesight.

Once I thought I had a good grasp of the principles, I spent a few frustrating years doing vision exercises, straining so much I gave myself headaches, and more than once ended up in tears. I did the Long Swing so vigorously I lost my balance. Right after a session of palming, I’d test my vision on the eye chart, like a child asking his parents every 5 minutes on a long trip “Are we there yet?”. No wonder I didn’t make very fast progress!

Over time I’ve learned the value of going forward gently, taking enough time that I don’t get upset, getting things done without speeding though them. No stern teacher is standing over me, tapping her foot impatiently. And I’ve finally gotten that internalized teacher out of my own head enough that I can go at my own pace.

Since I got glasses at age 5, they shaped the way I saw the world and how I behaved. When I imagine putting glasses on my face now, I feel anxious, like I am supposed to perform and may not do as well as is expected. I probably was already developing the tendency to hurry through things at that age, since I had so much to do at home, and I think glasses just cemented that habit. When I observe people wearing glasses now, they often look nervous to me, and seem to be apologizing more than is necessary.

Just this morning I was in the grocery store, when a man in front of me made a sudden U-turn and slammed his cart right into mine! Sure enough, he had thick glasses, and apologized profusely. This anecdotal evidence does not prove glasses make you prone to rushing, of course, though I do think there’s a relationship.

We know eyeglasses teach our visual system to see in a way that corresponds to the prescription. Get stronger glasses and “your eyes will get used to them”, the eye doctor tells you, when you say they’re uncomfortable. Lower your prescription a little and your eyes will get used to that too. What if along with the visual constriction, there’s a corresponding energetic nervous system constriction? And this leads to wanting to hurry — you have to avoid the predator!

Experiment with going more slowly and see how you feel. Are you afraid you’re being lazy, or “goofing off”? Go for a walk without your glasses in a place where you’re safe, and let yourself meander instead of striding briskly along. Look at that breathtaking Nature scene a little longer, exploring the details and colors. There’s plenty of time to see what you need to see. What’s the rush?


  • Printable PDF Files
  • 20 ft, 10 ft, and Near Vision Charts
  • Letters Calibrated to Correct Printed Size


Author: Nancy

I wore strong glasses, then contact lenses, from age 5 into my 40s. While making many mistakes, eventually l learned how to improve the way I use my eyes and to see in a more relaxed, healthy manner. It is my pleasure to coach others to do the same. Visit me at https://NancyLNeff.com.

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A very Good article. This is the same thing I am suffering from now a days, too much busy with study and can’t maintain a balance.


Another great article. I’ve had the same experience as well; especially at school. I hardly feel comfortable at school due to teachers, fellow students, and just the general atmosphere makes me uncomfortable. Keep up the good work. .

Nancy L. Neff

Thanks! What might help a bit with school is to take breaks to get outside when you can — I realize you may not have complete control of your schedule. The trees and the grass are not in a rush, and will accept you taking as much time as you need.